Father Time’s hands

1 min readJul 15, 2021



“What am I doing here”

Most of the time she feels neither bored nor interested in what she’s doing. She doesn’t feel anything. She’s not mad, or sad, or any of the things, just feels numb like this old lady sitting in the Ferris wheel. Up there in the Ferris wheel, a paper girl and a broken boy still hold onto something that they don’t need anymore.

He took her out of there.

They had a long metro trip.

Seats at the front of the train,

from the countryside to the downtown.

When the day began to get dark

The streetlights shined the city.

The stars faded away.

The street was lined on both sides with skyscrapers.

She saw the mirror image in her eyes.

It’s like the adventure of childhood imagination through the city. There’s no other people exist, just the two of them.

After few minutes,

The train would fly into starry starry night.

They would have a magical journey and softly dancing among the stars.

Definitely there’s nothing happened.

Because they are all in Father Time’s hands.

